Android/Java SDK v7.0.0

We have released a new major version of our Android/Java SDK 7.0.0.

Notable changes include:

  • Connectivity changes are detected and cached events are re-uploaded when internet connection is re-established, so you don’t have to wait until the next app restart to get crashes in Sentry

  • A new sentry-okhttp artifact is available, which is a pure Java module and can be used in non-Android projects

  • Sentry.getSpan() now returns the root span/transaction instead of the latest span, which will make the span hierarchy leaner and more readable

  • Improvements to reduce probability of the SDK causing ANRs

  • The minSdk level was updated to 19

Plus, a new supporting version 4.0.0 of the Sentry Android Gradle plugin ensures a smooth update to the new SDK version.

PLEASE NOTE: For self-hosted users, there are breaking changes introduced in this update. Refer to the upgrade guide for a complete list of breaking changes.

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