Autofix (Beta) now available to Sentry users on paid plans

Autofix helps developers troubleshoot and resolve issues faster with AI-powered suggestions.

By analyzing the details of an issue–including the stack trace, breadcrumbs, traces, and relevant code in your codebase, Autofix first reasons through the problem to determine the root cause, then suggests a code change to fix it–including unit tests! Once you're satisfied with the proposed solution, Autofix can even open a pull request (PR) in GitHub, making it easy to review and merge.

Screenshot of the Autofix UI, showing Autofix having completed a root cause analysis and suggesting a code fix

You can find Autofix in the Solutions Hub, on the right side of the Issue details page, clicking on the “Find Root Cause” button:

Screenshot of the Autofix UI: the "Find Root Cause" button starts Autofix

Autofix is currently available for all Sentry users on a paid plan, as well as to users on a free trial. While in beta, there’s no additional charge for using Autofix.

We want to hear how you’re using Autofix and any feedback you may have. Follow our team to get updates and connect with us to share your experience on the Sentry Discord server, in the Autofix feature-feedback channel.

Note: Sentry AI features are currently not available for Sentry users in the European Union.

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