Issue alerts now have priority conditions

Default alerts in Sentry have been updated to use our new high priority conditions. This allows users to have Sentry pre-filter the issues to notify on, thereby reducing alert noise for high-volume projects.


When Sentry receives an event, it assigns a priority to the issue based on the event's log level (for error issues) or actionability (for non-error issues like performance). For Business customers, the priority calculation is enhanced with more predictive indicators. To learn more, check out our blog post.

This priority is used to determine whether to notify users for an issue - a high priority issue is likely to be actionable and may require immediate attention, such as ERROR and FATAL events.

Sentry also monitors the volume of events for existing issues and bumps the priority if there's a surge of events for a particular issue. The "Sentry marks an existing issue as high priority" condition will notify users if the escalation results in an existing issue being labeled as high priority.

See docs to learn more about how Sentry determines issue priority.

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