Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) SDK 0.5.0

A new version of the Kotlin Multiplatform SDK v0.5.0 is now available, with the following key updates:

Kotlin Version Upgrade

The most notable change is the update of Kotlin from v1.8.0 to v1.9.21 (v1.9.20 marks the official stable release of Kotlin Multiplatform). Upgrade to the latest version of our SDK to take full advantage.

Revamped “Getting Started” Documentation

We improved our Getting Started documentation to ensure a smooth onboarding experience. More user-friendly and accessible, the new structure provide clear, step-by-step instructions and additional context to help both new and experienced users easily integrate and make the most of the Kotlin Multiplatform SDK.

As always, we value your feedback. Explore the SDK and share your experience on Discord.

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