More Context in Slack Alerts

More Context in Slack Alerts

Here's a list of changes we made to Issue alerts that get sent to Slack

  • Event and User Counts will be displayed for Issues with more than 1 event to help developers gauge impact of regressions or recurring Issues
  • Suggested Assignees and Suspect Commits will show up when available for an Issue
  • Tags are shown in a more compact key:value format to reduce the vertical space taken
  • Alerts include the project name
  • Archive action provides additional options to let you choose how you want to archive the issue
  • Assign action is now a freeform search letting you easily search and assign an Issue from Slack itself
  • Add notes to your Issue alerts so you can include information like rulebook URLs

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 9.40.02 AM.png

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