NestJS SDK Beta Released

NestJS SDK Beta Released

The NestJS SDK is now officially in beta, starting with the 8.28.0 release of our SDK.

The beta release contains the following updates:

  • Setting up is now done using a global module and depending on your application either (1) a global filter or (2) a decorator you can add to your existing global filters. You can find examples in the docs.
  • Noise reduction by filtering expected exceptions like HttpExceptions and RpcExceptions.
  • Automatic tracing for interceptors, pipes, guards, exception filters and middleware.

The plan going forwards includes:

  • Adding instrumentation to the @nestjs/cache-manager.
  • Currently automatic tracing only works on @Injectable decorated classes. We plan to make this more robust, covering cases where there is no @Injectable decorator present.

Further potential improvements are tracked in our NestJS SDK issue.

For details on how to use the SDK, check out the docs. Any feedback/bug reports are greatly appreciated. Please reach out on GitHub.

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