Python SDK Improved Integrations Support

Python SDK Improved Integrations Support

We have recently added a few new integrations to our Python SDK, and made it easier for users to configure which integrations they want activated as well.

Working with open source projects has the benefit of allowing engineers at Sentry to work with other developers who are excited to contribute to our code base. We have such contributors to thank for adding Dramatiq, Litestar and Ray integrations. All of which are now available with the 2.13.0 release of the Python SDK.

  • Dramatiq is a background tasks library, add DramatiqIntegration() to your integrations list, see our docs to learn more.
  • Litestar is an ASGI framework, add LitestarIntegration() to your integrations list, see our docs to learn more.
  • Ray is a popular compute framework, commonly used to scale AI workload, to enable add RayIntegration() to your integrations list, and see our docs to learn more.

Now with these integrations added to the evergrowing list of supported libraries, it is a good time to address that we have improved the ability for developers to disable integrations they do not want to use. It is easier than ever before to only use the integrations you want. To learn how check out our docs.

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