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Sentry helps over 4M developers and 100K organizations see what actually matters, solve errors and performance issues quicker, and learn continuously about their application health - from the frontend to the backend.

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Getting started is easy

Start for free

Start with Sentry's 14-day free Business plan trial - after the trial is over, you can either use Sentry’s free plan or scale based on your needs.

No contracts

You can upgrade or downgrade at any time, and we'll automatically adjust your rate at the beginning of your next billing cycle.

Save money

If you need more events than what’s included in your plan, we got you. Either set a pay-as-you-go event budget or save 20% by reserving in advance.

over 100K organizations have fewer (software) issues than before

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Code breaks, fix it faster

Application monitoring software considered "not bad" by 4 million developers