Web Vitals

Identify UX slowdowns on your webpage with Web Vitals, the Google-defined metrics for page loading, interactivity, and stability. Sentry collects real user data in production so you can pinpoint slow pages and streamline debugging for costly operations.

Web Vitals for Developers

Assess key metrics like LCP, INP, and CLS in a weighted performance score reflecting real user impact. Identify pages most ripe with opportunities to improve the overall performance score.

Drill into poor-loading pages with span waterfalls that highlight your most expensive operations. Long task spans can highlight clear performance bottlenecks.

With profiling, find the functions causing your slow page loads. Then use the flame graph context to easily implement a fix in your code.

Getting started is simple

We support every technology (except the ones we don't).
Get started with a few lines of code.

  1. Create a free Sentry account

  2. Create a JavaScript project and note your DSN

  3. Grab the Sentry JavaScript SDK

<script src="https://browser.sentry-cdn.com/7.112.2/bundle.min.js"></script>
  1. Configure your DSN
Sentry.init({ dsn: 'https://<key>@sentry.io/<project>' });

That's it. Be sure to check out our documentation to ensure you have the latest instructions.

Of course we have more content

Sentry Launch Week

Sentry Launch Week

Discover all our latest product releases and exclusive demos at Sentry Launch Week. Tune in to our daily video drop and ...

Performance Monitoring for Every Developer: Web Vitals & Function Regression Issues

Performance Monitoring for Every Developer: Web Vitals & Function Regression Issues

Extracting relevant insights from your performance monitoring tool can be frustrating. You often get back more data than...

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Fix It

With Web Vitals, solve the issues impacting your users’ experience on their web browser.

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of Functional Software, Inc.