Intro to Sentry & Codecov: Live Demo

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  • Sasha Blumenfeld photo

    Sasha BlumenfeldDirector of Product MarketingSentry

  • Neil Manvar photo

    Neil ManvarDirector of Solutions EngineeringSentry

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In this 25-minute group demo, Neil Manvar, Director of Solutions Engineering at Sentry shows how Sentry’s code-level visibility, from pre- to post-release, lets developers find and fix errors and slowdowns and deploy with confidence. This demo covers:

  • Agentless setup process with framework-level integrations.
  • Error monitoring: Debug with source code in the stack trace, breadcrumbs, and Session Replay to address runtime issues quickly.
  • Code coverage: Analyze code coverage right from your PR and enforce coverage targets to keep code quality high and prevent issues
  • Tracing: Detect inefficiencies and slowdowns- go from a slow render or endpoint and drill down to the problematic code.
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