React Advanced 2021 Workshop: Building a Sentry: 7 years of open-source React

videoReact NativeJavaScriptBest Practices

Sentry’s Evan Purkhiser and David Wang will walk through Sentry’s 2000+ file Typescript/React codebase at a special workshop that took place at React Advanced 2021. They’ll tell war stories of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Gaze in wonder at their modern usage of Typescript, react hooks, and styled components. Recoil in disgust at their legacy Reflux usage and perplexing Webpack configuration. Step away from the workshop with a working knowledge of techniques to keep a large-scale frontend codebase modern and maintainable.


  • Evan Purkhiser photo

    Evan Purkhiser

    Sr. Software EngineerSentry

  • David Wang photo

    David Wang

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