Streamline Issue Management and Communication at Scale: Power Home Remodeling and Sentry

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When it comes to managing multiple applications and services, driving alignment and communication across teams can be like herding cats. Too many channels, projects, and cross-functional stakeholders can cause friction that slow down issue management and affect the overall product experience.

Join Wade Winningham, Principal Developer at Power Home Remodeling, as he shares Power’s code and issue management process. He’ll walk through how Power uses Sentry for a real-time view into their code to see errors and outages quickly and increase communication across teams to lessen the impact of issues on their applications in the future.

In this session we’ll cover:

  • Power’s triage process and how they drive alignment across departments.
  • What’s new and coming soon for Dashboards and Discover.
  • How to customize dashboards to see the application health metrics you care about most, like failure rate, web vitals, and key page performance.


  • Wade Winningham photo

    Wade Winningham

  • Jasmin Kassas photo

    Jasmin Kassas

    Product ManagerSentry

  • Adam Toth-Fejel photo

    Adam Toth-Fejel

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