Don’t lose your traces between microservice calls


Microservices are an increasingly popular approach to building scalable, maintainable, and decoupled systems. While microservices offer tremendous benefits—like flexibility and independent deployment—they also introduce new complexities, particularly when it comes to communication between services.

This guide pairs well with our Debugging Microservices guide. In addition to the educational benefits, you should leverage this guide while you are setting up your workflow to maximum debuggability. Make sure trace headers are being passed and captured correctly so you can trace from the frontend down to the root cause.


HTTP/REST is the most familiar and widely used method for microservices communication. Each service exposes its functionality through RESTful endpoints, and other services can make HTTP requests to interact with it.

Use Case

HTTP/REST APIs are commonly used in synchronous, request-response scenarios where one service directly interacts with another.


  • Simplicity: RESTful APIs are easy to implement and are human-readable, making them ideal for teams already familiar with web development.
  • Interoperability: REST APIs work with any language or platform that can make HTTP requests.


  • Latency: Every API call incurs network overhead, which can lead to slower response times in high-traffic or performance-sensitive applications.
  • Scalability: As the number of services increases, the overhead of managing REST calls and ensuring service reliability can become more complex.

gRPC (Remote Procedure Call)

gRPC is an efficient, open-source RPC framework designed for high-performance, low-latency communication. It allows services to call methods on other services as if they were local functions, making it ideal for real-time applications.

Use Case

gRPC is best suited for environments where low-latency communication and real-time data exchange are critical, such as financial services or IoT applications.


  • Efficiency: Using Protocol Buffers (protobuf) for data serialization, gRPC is much faster than traditional REST due to its binary communication protocol.
  • Streaming Support: gRPC supports bi-directional streaming, allowing for real-time updates between services.


  • Complexity: Setting up gRPC is more complex than REST, and the binary format of protobuf is less human-readable.
  • Learning Curve: Developers must learn protobuf and understand gRPC-specific concepts, which can add overhead in teams unfamiliar with it.

Message Queues (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka)

Message queues provide a mechanism for asynchronous communication between microservices, ensuring decoupling between services. One service publishes a message to a queue, and another service consumes it at its own pace.

Use Case

Message queues are ideal for systems that require high scalability and loose coupling, particularly where services don’t need to interact in real-time (e.g., background tasks, notifications, or large-scale data processing).


  • Asynchronous Processing: Services don’t block on each other. They publish messages to a queue and can process them whenever ready.
  • Fault Tolerance: Message brokers like RabbitMQ and Kafka ensure message delivery even when services are temporarily down.


  • Complexity: Managing a distributed system with message queues requires handling message failures, retries, and ensuring message ordering, which adds complexity.
  • Monitoring: Debugging issues across message-based systems can be more difficult compared to synchronous methods.

Event-Driven Communication

An event-driven architecture uses a publish-subscribe (pub/sub) model. Services broadcast an event and multiple services can react to those events. This allows for highly decoupled systems where services only respond to specific events they are subscribed to, such as changes in user data or inventory updates.

Use Case

Event-driven systems are excellent for building scalable, loosely coupled applications where services can respond to business events asynchronously, such as order processing, sending notifications, or real-time analytics.


  • Scalability: Services are loosely coupled and do not need to know about each other, making it easier to scale them independently.
  • Resilience: Event-driven communication helps avoid cascading failures, as services continue operating even if some events are delayed or lost.


  • Eventual Consistency: The system may not always be immediately consistent, which can introduce challenges when real-time accuracy is required.
  • Debugging: Tracing issues across multiple events and services can be complex and difficult to visualize.

Service Mesh

A service mesh is an additional infrastructure layer that manages service-to-service communication using proxies. It can handle load balancing, security, monitoring, and more without requiring changes to the microservices themselves.

Use Case

Service meshes are ideal for large-scale microservices architectures where traffic management, security, and observability across services are critical.


  • Centralized Control: Manages communication, security, and monitoring without modifying service code.
  • Observability: Provides deep insights into service communication, making it easier to debug and monitor performance.


  • Complexity: Service meshes add another layer of infrastructure to manage, increasing operational complexity.
  • Overhead: It introduces additional proxies that can affect latency and resource usage.


Choosing the right communication method for microservices is critical to the success of your architecture. HTTP/REST is a great starting point, but as your system grows, you may need to adopt more specialized tools like gRPC, message queues, or event-driven communication to optimize performance and scalability.

Knowing and understanding how your system communicates is critical to being able to pass data correctly and debug efficiently.

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