Exception Perceptions by Sentry

Teamwork & Collaboration for Engineers

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Webster's Dictionary defines “collaboration” as... Just kidding! To quote the Lego people from the Lego movie, "Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Everything is awesome, when we're living our dream!"

On this episode of Exception Perceptions, we’re talking all about teamwork! We’re also introducing a couple of new things. First, we’re joined by our first special guest: our very own product manager, Sara! Secondly, we introduce some of the brand new features of Sentry 9 (cue audience “oooo-ahhhh” sound effect). And last, but certainly not least, we reveal that Exception Perceptions is filmed in front of a live studio audience! But seriously folks, you’re in for a treat.

Chloe Talk Show Intro

A wise man once said, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” With Sentry 9, our Team features are no exception (heh — unintentional error pun). Now, with the ability to have multiple teams, organizations can ensure alerts and issues are routed to the proper departments and individual contributors, making the the process of alerting and debugging much more fast, efficient, and relevant. Look — no one likes a full inbox, and no one needs to be notified of every issue that pops up in an application. With the ability to assign issues to teams, you can take resolution time from five hours to five minutes.

Additionally, with the ability to tag teams in comments and assign issues to teams, communication can be contained. Gone are the days of hoping you’ll remember Lisa-on-the-Payments-team sent you a WhatsApp message about that URI Error at checkout… or was it on Slack? Or was it an email? With Sentry 9’s commenting and assignment features, you can keep track of all your issues in one place.

Taking advantage of these new features is simple. Through your Organization Settings, you can set up teams and invite members to the appropriate team. Want even more info? Check out Sara’s blog post on Relevance, or take a behind the scenes peek at Shipping Sentry 9 with Richard!

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