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Get Selected Value in Dropdown List Using JavaScript

Get Selected Value in Dropdown List Using JavaScript

Matthew C.

The Problem

You have a dropdown list, for example, the following <select> dropdown list:

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<select name="accommodation" id="accommodation-select"> <option value="">--Please choose an option--</option> <option value="apartment">Apartment</option> <option value="house">House</option> <option value="other">Other</option> </select>

How do you get the selected value using JavaScript?

The Solution

Get the <select> element by using one of the methods on the document interface that returns a DOM Element, such getElementById. You can then get its value using the value property:

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const accommodationSelect = document.getElementById("accommodation-select"); const value = accommodationSelect.value;

You can also add a “change” event listener to the <select> element and get its value each time a different item is selected from the dropdown list:

Click to Copy
const accommodationSelect = document.getElementById("accommodation-select"); accommodationSelect.addEventListener("change", handleSelectChange); function handleSelectChange(event) { const currentValue =; console.log(currentValue); }

You can get the selected value from the “change” event’s target property.

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