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How to get values from URLs in JavaScript

How to get values from URLs in JavaScript

Matthew C.

The Problem

You have a URL with parameters, which are known as query string parameters. For example, your query string may have a type, page, and sort parameter:

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The query string part of the URL starts with a ”?” character. Each parameter is separated by a ”&” character. How do you get these query parameter values using JavaScript?

The Solution

You can get the query string parameters in the browser using JavaScript and Web APIs. You can also get query string parameters on the backend using Node.js.

Getting URL Query Parameters in the Browser

You can use the URLSearchParams interface Web API to work with URL query strings. The URLSearchParams() constructor takes in a query string as an argument and returns a URLSearchParams object that has methods to work with query strings. You can use the property to access the query string of the current page and pass it as an argument to the URLSearchParams() constructor:

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const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;

To check if a query parameter exists you can use the has() method, which returns a boolean indicating if a parameter exists:

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console.log(searchParams.has('sort')); // true

You can get the value of the query parameter using the get() method:

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console.log(searchParams.get('sort')); // price_descending

The get() method returns the first value found for the given query parameter. So if there is a duplicate query parameter, only the value of the first one will be returned. You can use the getAll() method to return all values for a given query parameter.

You can loop through query parameters using various methods such as for...of:

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for (const param of searchParams) { console.log(param); }

Using the example URL above,, this loop will return the following arrays with the keys and values of the parameters:

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["type", "sale"] ["sort", "price_descending"] ["page", "43"]

You can also use the following methods to loop through the query parameters:

One thing to note is that the URLSearchParams() constructor interprets plus signs (”+”) as spaces, which can be an issue in certain cases. You can avoid this issue by encoding the URL string using the encodeURIComponent() function. This will change the ”+” character to the UTF-8 encoding of the character, which is %2B.

Getting URL Query Parameters Using Node.js

If you are using Express.js, which is a popular web framework for Node.js, you can use the req.query object to get query strings:

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app.get('/', (req, res) => { console.log(req.query); });

If there are no query string parameters, req.query will return an empty object. If there are query parameters, an object containing each parameter and its value will be returned:

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app.get('/', (req, res) => { console.log(req.query); // { type: "sale ", sort: "price_descending ", page: "43" } });

You can use a loop to loop through the query parameters object to get the query parameter values:

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for (const key in req.query) { console.log(key, req.query[key]); }

Using the example URL, this loop will log the following strings:

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type sale sort price_descending page 43

Other methods can also be used to loop through the query parameters object:

Further Reading

If you’re looking to get a deeper understanding of how JavaScript application monitoring works, take a look at the following articles:

  • YoutubeHow saved me from disaster
  • ResourcesImprove Web Browser Performance - Find the JavaScript code causing slowdowns
  • SentryJavascript Error Monitoring & Tracing
  • ResourcesJavaScript Frontend Error Monitoring 101
  • Syntax.fmListen to the Syntax Podcast
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