Backbone Error and Performance Monitoring

Actionable insights to resolve Backbone performance bottlenecks and errors. Improve your monitoring workflow with a full view of releases so you can mark Backbone errors as resolved and prioritize live issues.

Getting Started is Simple

Grab the Sentry Backbone SDK:

Click to Copy
<script src=""></script>

Configure your DSN:

Click to Copy
Sentry.init({ dsn: 'https://<key><project>' });

Check our documentation for the latest instructions.

See all platforms

Backbone Performance Monitoring

Quickly identify performance issues and view full end-to-end distributed trace to see the exact poor-performing API call and surface any related Backbone errors. Improve Backbone performance with max efficiency, not max effort.

Backbone Error Monitoring With Complete Stack Traces

See the error and Backbone stack trace previously only visible in your user’s debug console. Apply source maps automatically to convert minified, compiled, or transpiled code back to its original form. Keep your Backbone source maps private by uploading them directly to Sentry.

Issues, replayed

Get to the root cause of an error or latency issue faster with context like DOM events, console logs, and network calls within one visual replay on your web application.

Check out Session Replay

Fill In The Blanks About Backbone Errors

See what the app was doing when the Backbone error occurred: user interactions, AJAX requests, console log messages, and more. Learn in which version a bug first appeared, merge duplicates, and know if things regress in a future release

“By correlating Sentry issues to our dev cycle, we can spot where problems begin and how to fix the source.”

Jim Redmond
Sr. System Engineer, Bitbucket

See The Full Picture Of Any Backbone Exception

Record environment and usage details so you can recreate bugs down to the browser version, OS, and query parameters specific to your app.

Sentry’s tag distribution graph makes it easy to isolate and prioritize any Backbone error by seeing how often it occurs in context.

Find answers to key questions: How actionable is this error?Was the bug browser or OS specific?

You can’t afford to put JavaScript monitoring on the backburner.

Even a one-second delay in loading results in a 7% reduction in conversions.

Forty percent of customers abandon a website that takes longer than three seconds to load.

The average cost of downtime is $5,600 per minute — or $300,000 per hour.


Traditional logging provides you with a trail of events. Some of those events are errors, but many times they’re simply informational. Sentry is fundamentally different because we focus on exceptions, or in other words, we capture application crashes. We discuss in more detail here and on our blog.

Sentry supports every major frontend language, framework, and library. You can browse each of them here.

You can get started for free. Pricing depends on the number of monthly events, transactions, and attachments that you send Sentry. For more details, visit our pricing page.

Sentry doesn’t impact a web site’s performance.

If you look at the configuration options for when you initialize Sentry in your code, you’ll see there’s nothing regarding minimizing its impact on your app’s performance. This is because our team of SDK engineers already developed Sentry with this in mind.

Sentry is a listener/handler for errors that asynchronously sends out the error/event to This is non-blocking. The error/event only goes out if this is an error.

Global handlers have almost no impact as well, as they are native APIs provided by the browsers.

Supporting Resources

Frontend Monitoring Documentation

A better experience for your users. An easier life for your developers.

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of Functional Software, Inc.