
Track the complete, end-to-end path of a request from the originating user interaction across systems and services to pinpoint the specific function or API call causing the problem.

Tracing for Developers

Get a unified and connected view of your application from frontend to backend and across services. Tracing allows you to understand how interconnected systems interact and where complex issues originate.

With the Trace Explorer (currently in beta), search for traces matching specific criteria, like a specific route, API endpoint, or user ID.

With the Trace View, get full context into what happened when an error or performance issue occurred, making it easier and faster to debug slow services, identify related errors, and root out bottlenecks. Get to the Trace View easily, either from the correlated metrics, specific issue, or the Trace Explorer.

Monitoring a production environment is always a challenge, with regular deployments, third party integrations, and the cloud resources we depend on - the number of issues that can fire from any one system increases the complexity of figuring out which service or team owns what. Because of this, it is important to stay one step ahead to provide the quality we demand for our users.
Roni Avidov
Front End Technical Lead
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Understanding a traffic spike used to require hours of developer time to sift through logs across multiple layers to uncover the source of the spike and which resources were being accessed. With a comprehensive tracing solution that captures the entire request lifecycle and gives immediate access to the trace across services, including critical identifiers like organization ID, API key ID, and user ID, this process now takes minutes, saving my team an average of 3 hours per issue.
Ben Ogle
Founder at Anvil
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Getting started with Sentry is simple

We support every technology (except the ones we don't).
Get started with just a few lines of code.

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import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs'; Sentry.init({ dsn: '', // We recommend adjusting this value in production, or using `tracesSampler` // for finer control tracesSampleRate: 1.0, });

That's it. Check out our documentation to ensure you have the latest instructions.


Tracing provides a connected view of related errors and transactions by capturing interactions among your software systems. With Tracing, Sentry tracks your software performance and displays the impact of errors across multiple systems.

Tracing is available for all languages and platforms that Sentry supports. See the full list here.

To enable Tracing capabilities you need to purchase span units. See docs for pricing details.

To use Tracing, you will first need a Sentry account. If you don’t have a Sentry account, you can create one here. Then, follow the instructions in our docs to use Tracing.

Yes, you can configure your OpenTelemetry SDK to send traces and spans to Sentry. Learn more.

Of course we have more content

Debugging Errors Faster with Distributed Tracing

Debugging Errors Faster with Distributed Tracing

Learn what distributed tracing is, how it works, and how it can help you make sense of your complex microservices archit...

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