Session Replay for Developers: Your Shortcut to Faster Troubleshooting

demoDemoEventSession Replay

What do you do when stack traces and breadcrumbs aren’t enough to reproduce a bug that is inundating your support team with tickets? Session Replay might be the solution every developer didn’t know they needed. Join Sentry engineer Elias Hussary as he shares how you can use Session Replay from Sentry to watch video-like playbacks of user sessions with code-level insights to confirm and debug errors and performance issues more easily. Plus, he’ll give a sneak peek of new and upcoming features we’ve added to our Session Replay product.

We’ll also have Gus Fune from DIV Brands, Ben Browning from SkillShark, and Josiah McCracken from Boostpoint on the line to share how their engineering teams use Session Replay and what their favorite features are.

This session includes:

  • A live demo of Session Replay
  • New and upcoming product features
  • Fireside chat with companies who use Session Replay today


  • Gus Fune photo

    Gus Fune

    DIV Brands

  • Elias Hussary photo

    Elias Hussary

  • Josiah McCracken photo

    Josiah McCracken


  • Ben Browning photo

    Ben Browning

    Senior DeveloperSkillShark

  • Angela Jiang photo

    Angela Jiang

    Product Marketing ManagerSentry

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