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Debug a Node.js server application

Debug a Node.js server application

David Y.

The problemJump To Solution

How do I debug a Node.js server application?

The solution

Node.js contains a built-in debugger that can interface with Chromium-based web browsers and popular IDEs such as Visual Studio Code and JetBrains WebStorm. Start the debugger by supplying the --inspect flag when running your server code.

Click to Copy
node --inspect myApp.js

This will start a debugging server on Follow the official instructions to connect to the server with your favourite browser or IDE.

If you do not want to debug through a browser or editor, you can use Node.js’s simple CLI-based debugger by running node inspect:

Click to Copy
node inspect myApp.js

Type help for a list of debugging commands.

  • SentryWorkshop: Debugging your Node.js Project With Sentry
  • Community SeriesIdentify, Trace, and Fix Endpoint Regression Issues
  • ResourcesBackend Error Monitoring 101
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