Key Results

  • Maintain high crash-free rate
  • Faster time to resolution
  • Standardized workflow across projects for operational efficiencies
  • Easy adoption of new technologies


Android, iOS


Release Health, Issue Details, Custom Alerts, Slack Integration, Jetpack Compose integration

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How the Planet Wild community is restoring our planet (and how we help with their app)

About Planet Wild

Planet Wild is on a mission to restore the planet—simple, right? This undertaking is no easy feat, but while others are only talking about how to help the planet, they’re taking action. Every month Planet Wild goes on a mission to reverse the damage human activity has done to the world’s ecosystems. These missions are made possible thanks to a community backing them through a membership. They take transparency seriously and every mission is documented in detail on their YouTube channel. In the center of it all is their mobile app, the best place to browse their missions, learn more about their initiatives, engage with the community, and vote on where they should focus their efforts.


Maintaining a high crash-free rate

Taking impactful action as an individual can feel overwhelming. Planet Wild makes it easy by empowering their community with a seamless and delightful mobile experience. They partnered with Sentry to ensure that their apps are always stable and highly performant.

“We’re constantly monitoring our store ratings to make sure our users are happy. A big part of that is making sure the app isn’t crashing or behaving incorrectly,” explains Fred Porciúncula, mobile engineer at Planet Wild.

Planet Wild uses Sentry’s Slack integration, which alerts them anytime a crash or error is affecting users. They then act immediately before the issue becomes widespread, using breadcrumbs and stack traces to investigate and solve even the most mysterious bugs.

As Fred explains, “We can all have a good night of sleep without worrying that our app is crashing since as soon as it happens, we know it. We’re all comfortable with Sentry, so any member of our team can start the investigation as soon as a new issue pops up.”


A future-proof solution to help protect our planet

The Planet Wild team is always seeking ways to move faster while maintaining a high standard for the user experience. Their team of five developers is responsible for both a native Android and iOS app. They recently adopted Jetpack Compose to accelerate development of the Android app. “Ever since Jetpack Compose came out, we knew we would use it,” explains Fred. “We can build UIs so much faster and it’s a real joy to work with it.”

Once they learned that Sentry had an integration with Jetpack Compose, they implemented it right away. “I was impressed with how easy the navigation integration was to get it set up and how well it works — I love it.”

Fred really values Sentry’s rapid pace of innovation that helps his team stay at the forefront of development. “Sentry’s team is often working on something interesting, at a super fast cadence. Other tools I’ve used before just can’t compare in that regard. We’re keeping an eye on their Kotlin Multiplatform SDK and we might adopt it eventually.”

A centralized platform for mobile, web, and backend errors

Planet Wild also uses Sentry to monitor errors on their backend, and will soon introduce it on their website. Having one tool for all their projects has lots of benefits for their team. “Sometimes I’m interested in a backend crash, and it’s much more convenient to be able to look at it using the same tool I’m using when investigating mobile issues and I’m already familiar with.”

Download the Planet Wild app on Google Play or the App Store today to join their community and help restore our planet, and see for yourself how Sentry is helping them ensure a smooth user experience.

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