Debugging Next.js Applications with Sentry

Get a technical demo on how to debug Next.js applications using Sentry Monitoring.

What is Monitoring

Learn about this series and get a quick overview of what application monitoring is.

Setup Sentry in Next.js

Setting up Sentry is literally one CLI command. This video walks you through how to create a new Next.js project on Sentry, how to install Sentry into that project, and how to trigger and monitor your first error.


Configuring your sourcemaps with your Sentry project gives you detailed information about where performance issues and errors are triggered in your code, making it faster to debug and resolve issues.

Event context and custom tags

Adding additional information to issues captured in Sentry can help you identify and prioritize your most critical issues.


Setting up Alerts with Sentry takes just a couple of clicks.

Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing gives you an overview of every operation that happened during the execution of a certain functionality across your whole stack and lets you identify any performance bottlenecks in your application. In this video you’ll learn how to view traces in Sentry and implement them in your Next.js application.

Session Replay

Session Replay lets you see how your users experienced your Next.js application before a crash happened. Aside from how the user used your app, it also captures the console output of the browser, the network requests, and the memory snapshot, so you get all the information needed to debug the issue. In this video you’ll learn how to use Session Replay and implement it in your Next.js application.

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