Unreal Engine Crash Reporting

Your games crash. Then your players get mad. Then they yell at you on Twitter. Let’s fix that. Sentry for Unreal Engine alerts you to crashes in your games while providing the detailed context you need to fix the issue.

Getting Started is Simple

Sentry for Unreal alerts you to crashes in your games while providing the detailed context you need to fix the issue, ASAP. You can install the Sentry SDK or alternatively, use only the Unreal Engine Crash Reporter. This is provided out of the box by Epic Games.

Check our documentation for the latest instructions.

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Why Guess When You Could Not Guess Instead?

The addition of Unreal’s crash report uncovers full visibility into the crash’s full impact. See error details like function name and line number. Capture your game’s crashes at scale without throwing your laptop across the room.

More Than Just Bug Tracking

Event trails detail what was happening in the game before a crash occurs. Find and fix these issues before more than a small percentage of your users have smashed their screens in frustration.

No WiFi? No Problem.

Record events even when devices are offline or in airplane mode, then send errors as soon as connection is regained.

“Sentry automatically captures an enormous amount of valuable information whenever a player experiences a game crash.”

Byron Dover
Engineering Manager for Information Technology, Riot Games

See The Full Picture Of Any Unreal Engine Exception

Record environment and state details so you can recreate bugs, no matter how your players access and interact with the game.

Use Sentry’s tag distribution graph to isolate and prioritize any error by seeing how often it occurs in context.

Find answers to key questions: How actionable is the error? Can I just ignore it?

Supporting Resources

How Slow is Slow?

A better experience for your users. An easier life for your developers.

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of Functional Software, Inc.