Sentry for Good

Preventing bad code from happening to good people

At Sentry, we care. And because we care, we want to prove it — by making it easier for organizations doing good work to use our product.


Registered 501c3 organizations can qualify for a sponsored account.

Apply here
$<!-- -->CodeForAmerica<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->BoyScouts<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->ResolveToSaveLives<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Ecosia<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->BayesImpact<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Ieee<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->ShelterTech<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Unicef<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->BreakOut<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->OperationCode<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->MinneapolisInstituteOfArt<!-- --> logo


As an open source company ourselves, we understand the impact that a little help can have. We're dedicated to growing the open source community.

Apply here
$<!-- -->RaspberryPiFoundation<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->DjangoColorless<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->RailsGirls<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->ReadTheDocs<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->PythonSoftwareFoundation<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Jenkins<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Canonical<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Zulip<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Ushahidi<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Redash<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->CodeSandbox<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->OpenDataKit<!-- --> logo



If you are using Sentry for your classes, you are eligible for a sponsored account for your students.


Activate your GitHub Student Developer Pack for access to Sentry's plan for students with unlimited projects and members for 1 year.

$<!-- -->UniversityOfToronto<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->UniversityOfSydney<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->UniversityOfSouthampton<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->QueenslandUniversityOfTechnology<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->UniversityOfWaterloo<!-- --> logo
$<!-- -->Purdue<!-- --> logo

Questions You May Or May Not Have

  • What do I get in a sponsored account?

    Sponsored accounts for non-profits and open source organizations get 5M errors, 100M transactions, 100K replays, and 10GB of attachments per month. Sponsored accounts for students and teachers get 50K errors, 100K transactions, 500 replays, and 1GB of attachments per month.

  • Is there an event cap? What if I need more?

    Sponsored accounts for non-profits and open source organizations get 5M errors, 100M transactions, 100K replays, and 10GB of attachments per month. If you need more than that, we will work with you to get you on the best plan for your volume.

  • What if another team in my organization is already using us?

    The sponsorship is per organization and not for team. If your organization already has a Sentry account, you can link accounts within the same org, and setup rate limiting so that one team doesn't cannibalize all the events.

  • I'm a registered non-profit, open source tool, or edu, do I qualify?

    Probably, but sponsorships are provided at our discretion and you must comply with our Terms of Service. We have the right to turn off or reject any account for any reason, including if we believe that your organization is not in compliance with our terms of service.

  • If I’m a social enterprise or a B-Corp do I qualify for this?

    No, if you make profit then you do not qualify for this specific program, but it’s great that you’re a B-Corp. Go you for doing cool things!

© 2024 • Sentry is a registered Trademark
of Functional Software, Inc.