Self Hosted or Cloud Sentry?


As you likely know, Sentry provides error-tracking and monitoring for virtually every language and framework. What you may not know is that Sentry has both an open-source and a hosted cloud solution that are functionally the same.

Sentry is an open source company because we believe the right to learn and to share what is learned with others is fundamental to product growth and relevance. We started as an open source project and our commitment to open source is here to stay.

Despite open source being core to our roots and values, we don’t necessarily recommend self-hosting to everyone. In addition to existing hidden costs, as Sentry evolves, our self-hosted version will become more complex, demanding additional types of infrastructure. Our internal system that powers our newest features will also advance and require more containers, including one for a new database.

Download this PDF to learn more about the costs of hosting Sentry yourself vs subscribing to Sentry’s cloud service.

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