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FastAPI "coroutine object is not iterable" error

FastAPI "coroutine object is not iterable" error

David Y.

The ProblemJump To Solution

After I add the async keyword to a FastAPI function, calling the associated route produces the following error:

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[TypeError("'coroutine' object is not iterable"), TypeError('vars() argument must have __dict__ attribute')]

Here’s a simplified version of my application code:

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from fastapi import FastAPI import asyncio import job # internal module app = FastAPI() @app.get("/run-job") @login_required async def run_job(): result = await return {"message": result }

I need to run the asynchronous method in this endpoint’s code, so the function itself has to be asynchronous. What is causing this error and how can I fix it?

The Solution

The most likely cause of this error is the decorator @login_required, which we can assume returns a synchronous function. Even though run_job is asynchronous, the actual function that gets executed after the decorator is applied will be synchronous, leading to an error when await is called.

To fix this code, we will either need to alter login_required so that it returns an asynchronous function or create another decoration (e.g. login_required_async) that does so. For example:

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def login_required_async(f): async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # ... access control logic goes here ... return await f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper

Depending on how the rest of our application functions, we may require both synchronous and asynchronous versions of @login_required. We can create one function for both using a conditional return that checks whether the passed-in function is synchronous or asynchronous:

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from inspect import iscoroutinefunction from functools import wraps def login_required(decorator_option=None): def access_control(*args, **kwargs): # ... access control logic goes here ... @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): access_control(*args, **kwargs) return f(*args, **kwargs) @wraps(f) async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): access_control(*args, **kwargs) return await f(*args, **kwargs) return async_wrapper if iscoroutinefunction(f) else wrapper

iscoroutinefunction from Python’s built-in inspect module will return True if the passed-in function is asynchronous and False if it is synchronous. This will allow us to use the @login_required decorator on synchronous and asynchronous functions alike.

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